About the Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communication

The M.S. in Integrated Marketing Communication is a tightly-focused professional master’s degree in which you can learn to create and manage coordinated communications that connect people and organizations. The curriculum blends theory, insight, and real-world application with a focus on the strategic integration of several media fields, including advertising, public relations, brand strategy, digital media, direct mail, content marketing, and research.

By taking an audience-centered approach, you can create consistent and effective messages that influence audience behavior. Graduates are prepared for leadership roles in advertising and PR agencies, corporate communication, media firms, nonprofit organizations, health promotion, political communication, sports marketing, or government.

The IMC program was approved in 2011, and the first classes were offered that year. Today, around 1,300 students are enrolled in the undergraduate program.

The graduate program in IMC began in 2012 as a track in the M.A. in Journalism, growing quickly from five students to 50 in a few short years. In 2018, the program was changed to the M.S. in IMC, and now you can earn the degree in the Residential Program or in the Online Program.

